Leadership Development


Leadership Development: building capability and capacity at every stage of career growth

This program helps leaders develop leadership skills to enhance their personal impact. We also guide leaders in cultivating a culture where they empower, enable and support their people.


Who would benefit from Leadership Development?

Leaders seek and benefit from coaching and support during key transitions.

  • First-time Leader (Emerging Leader): Gaining the foundational skills needed for new leadership roles.

  • Transition from Emerging to Established Leader (Middle Leader): Navigating the shift to more complex responsibilities and broader influence.

  • Transition from Established to Senior Leader: Refining strategic leadership abilities and preparing for executive-level challenges.

Why is this program valuable to Leaders and their organisations?

Leadership is not a solo process but one that is grounded in relationships and connections between leaders and those they influence and nurture. Investing in leadership development is therefore not just about improving individual leaders—it's about strengthening the entire organisation.

Maximising performance. We help leaders to unleash their potential and drive the organisation towards its strategic objectives. Coached leaders set clear goals, align teams, influence across the organisation and tackle challenges effectively.

Boosting employee engagement: We help leaders foster environments where team members build confidence, autonomy, and thrive. Coaching equips leaders to better connect with and motivate their teams, leading to higher employee satisfaction and retention.

Fostering a coaching culture. We guide leaders in cultivating a culture where leaders empower, enable and support their people; as opposed to traditional command-and-control practices. Embedding learning and growth as a leadership style facilitates a psychologically safe workplace where knowledge and innovation can flourish.

Developing future talent: We help leaders to grow and develop others, ensuring a healthy pipeline of future leaders who will drive sustained organisational success.


“Leadership development is not just about improving individual leaders - it’s about strengthening the entire organisation”


Our promise

Leadership competencies can be developed. By meeting each leader where they are in their growth, we help build:



Enhancing key skills such as influence, effective communication, emotional agility, empathy, delivery of feedback, delegation and executive presence.



Focusing on personal growth to enhance leadership impact. We foster broader thinking, expanded mindsets, and help build psychological agility to enable leaders to navigate complex challenges effectively.


How is this program delivered?

There is not a one size fits all approach to leadership development. We work with leaders to become the best, authentic versions of themselves, leveraging their motivations and strengths to propel them toward their goals, and those of their teams and the organisation.

We apply evidence-based practices from leadership research, coaching psychology and wellbeing science into practical strategies which are easy to implement and lead to lasting change.

Where relevant, we can recommend the use of a range of psychometric and leadership assessment tools, as well as 360 degree assessment.

Like any program, the best one for your organisation is one that is tailored to your needs, that uses your company language, that supports your company culture and values. We’d love to talk with you to customise a program format that best complements your organisation’s strategy

Leadership Development: building capability and capacity at every stage of career growth has been developed to be delivered in various modalities, either stand-alone or combined together for more powerful and long-lasting impact.



Individualised, scaffolded awareness, interventions and support

The gold standard for embedding lasting change

Effective to sustain change post-workshops

Typically 6-10 one-on-one sessions of 60-90 minutes over a period of up to 12 months

We also recommend 1-2 three-way meetings with the coachee’s manager


Group coaching  

Facilitated learning where the coach guides discussions, encourages peer learning and shared experiences, and creates a reflective space for participants to explore their own leadership styles or growth opportunities

Participants usually come from different teams in an organisation or from different organisations.

Format is typically 6 sessions of 60-90 minutes



Interactive, reflective sessions with education, skills development and individualised, outcome-based activities

Often attended by an intact team. Also relevant for a group of individuals who want to develop their leadership

Flexible format - typically half day or full day


Client feedback

From the outset, Debra had me working hard to clearly identify and articulate my goals and what I wanted to get out of my time with her. Debra’s positivity and practical approach suits my personality and work style well, keeping me accountable and focused but also building a strong rapport and trust. I have seen tangible and long-lasting improvement in my leadership skills and my team’s confidence and commitment. You get out what you put in, and Debra is a supportive and encouraging guide.
— Anika - Senior Leader
Kate has provided coaching to me at critical junctures in my career over a span of 8 years. Working with Kate, I know that she has got my best interest in mind. Her calm and firm approach using probing questions have helped me access the deeper insights that were within me. These in turn helped clarify my career direction and approach at those critical junctures in my career.
— Grace - Middle Leader
A valuable outcome from my coaching has been guidance on formulating clear ways of working and communicating with my team. They are extremely talented and positive people and so it was really important to me to make sure that my leadership approach gave them a chance to grow and enjoy their work, and to bring their own approaches so that we can all benefit from their unique skills.
— Lara - Emerging Leader
I have learned actionable skills for my leadership. How to structure my feedback, what questions to ask my team to guide their learning, how involved to get in their work vs. when to be hands off and let them do it their way, etc. This all helped me become more confident as a leader.
— Laura- Emerging Leader